BodyWeather as a practice encourages rigorous observation of the body and of space, experience, time and relationship. We apply parameters to our exploration and this in itself lends itself naturally to a process of research. BodyWeather is a constant questioning. There are a number of major research areas undertaken by De Quincey Co:

BodyWeather & Robotics

We are currently working with Petra Gemeinboeck and Rob Saunders on MACHINE MOVEMENT LABS to develop movement characteristics for strange, abstract machinic forms.

Image Labs

Starting in 2012, Frank van de Ven & Tess de Quincey started a process of investigation around the nature of the danced image.

BodyWeather for EveryBody

In 2010 we started to work with MURMURATION, a company based in Sydney dedicated to integrated accessible dance practice. This led us to start to explore specifically how BodyWeather as a practice might be extended to offer an exchange for people with a wide range of different abilities. In 2017 we worked with WEAVE MOVEMENT THEATRE in Melbourne and in 2018 we are starting a collaboration with OUTLANDISH ARTS developing a workshop series specifically for disabled artists.

Impro Exchange Labs

Our BodyWeather practice holds exchange as a primary position. With this series of laboratories that started in 2006 we use BodyWeather strategies to underpin an investigation that invites dancers of all ages from different disciplnes and cultural backgrounds to engage in a process of exchange and exploration that forwards a sensitivity to a collective group body as well as an independent individual body.

The Natyasastra & Bodyweather 2003-2012

A long-term relationship to Kolkata and Tess de Quincey’s introduction to The Natyasastra in 2003 kickstarted an investigation around the links between the concepts as presented in The Natyasastra and some of the underlying principles in BodyWeather practice. These investigations have included a 3-month AsiaLink Residency by De Quincey Co in Kolkata in 2005 and a subsequent series of performances and installations both in Australia and India.

Triple Alice 1999-2005

Our explorations of place, specifically in relationship to the Central Desert, took the form of three annual interdisciplinary laboratories under the title of TRIPLE ALICE 1999-2001 which threw up so much material and further explorations that a range of other further works were generated that included De Quincey Co’s DICTIONARY OF ATMOSPHERES, a major site-specific performance in the Mparntwe/Todd Riverbed for the Alice Springs Festival 2005.