TANK image-dance-think Laboratories
join us in teasing out the nature of ‘image’…
Saturday 2 December 2-4pm
with Frank van de Ven, Tess de Quincey and TANK artists
The University of Sydney
As part of this international exchange with BODYWEATHER AMSTERDAM, a range of artists invite you to participate in an afternoon that explores the outcomes of a 5-day laboratory and masterclass about the body danced by images. Besides physical demonstrations and discussions there will be a selection of short performances, all providing insight into processes underlying image making.
So… join us, join us, join us as we unfold experiences together.
A manual of images from BODYWEATHER
The University of Sydney
led by Frank van de Ven & Tess de Quincey
Explore how images arise in and around us, and how the body can be danced by these images and by the imagination!
We’re delighted to announce this new masterclass in a series that has developed over previous exciting laboratories 2011-2015 in Sydney and Melbourne. It is a very special opportunity to work with leading BodyWeather practitioners Frank van de Ven (Amsterdam) and Tess de Quincey (Sydney), who share the legacy of their training within MAI-JUKU, Min Tananka’s performance group in Japan.
Through the construction of precise and varied environments, infinite layers of relationship are explored through the body and the mind, enabling physics to meet poetry.
Besides a rigorous introduction to this method of practice and a rich variety of images, the workshop will encourage the development of images by each participant for use in contemporary performance.
The process will culminate in a public symposium which will highlight links between performance practice and theory.
WHEN: Mon 27 Nov 1-5pm; Tue-Sat 29 Nov – 2 Dec 10am-5pm.
WHERE: Rex Cramphorn Studio, The University of Sydney
COST: Early Bird *$350 by 5 NOVEMBER; full price *$550
BOOKINGS: Places are limited and can ONLY be purchased via Eventbrite link below
ENQUIRIES: info@DeQuinceyCo.net
*All payments include booking fees and GST and must be made prior to the workshop start via Eventbrite. Any cancellations must be made before 12 November to receive a refund (less $50 cancellation fee).