MELBOURNE BODYWEATHER INTENSIVE – Beyond the Anthropocentric Body


led by Tess de Quincey
21-23 JULY

A key principle of BodyWeather practice is opening awareness to how the environment can shape and dance the body-mind. We are seeking to expose the intelligence and language that erupts from this field of matter and imagination. As this body is danced into view, the potential of transformative bodies unfolds – as questioning entities shaped by co-emergent wisdom.

The workshop is an open-ended enquiry, an exploration in exchange with each other. As a progression over Friday night through Saturday and Sunday, the workshop offers participants a thorough introduction into the BodyWeather practice and Butoh image work. The workshop is for people who have some experience of BodyWeather and/ or hold an intermediate level of dance or physical practice and who are committed to participating in the full 17 hours of the workshop.

This is an opportunity to engage with Australia’s leading BodyWeather practitioner who brought the practice to this country. Tess’s workshops are renowned as forums for exploring perception, providing insights into the body and different sensory modes of experience.

WHEN:  21-23 July 2017; Fri 6-9pm, Sat & Sun 10am–5pm
WHERE:  Dancehouse, 150 Princes St, North Carlton
COST:  EarlyBird $180* by 30 June OR full price $280*
BOOKINGS:  Places are limited. Bookings are essential and must be made through Eventbrite

* All payments include booking fees and GST and must be made prior to workshop start by EFT Electronic Funds Transfer. Any cancellations must be made before 3 July to receive a refund (less $30 cancellation fee).