De Quincey Co & Lean Productions present
Saturday 4 May 2013, 10am-‐4pm
ABC, 700 Harris St, Ultimo
WILD LAW is a new legal theory and growing social movement. It proposes that we rethink our legal, political, economic and governance systems so that they support, rather than undermine, the integrity and health of the Earth. WILD LAW stresses human interconnectedness and dependence with the natural world and seeks to catalyse a shift in law from human-centeredness to recognition of our necessary relationship with nature.
Globally, the WILD LAW movement has made some significant achievements: a manifesto for Earth Justice has been developed both within and outside of the UN while Ecuador has ratified a revised constitution on the basis of Wild Law. Recently, Germany and Switzerland have granted legal rights to plants and animals whilst a host of local governments in Canada and the US have passed local laws recognizing the rights of nature. Most recently the Whanganui River in Aoterea/New Zealand has been granted a legal identity and Bolivia has passed a law declaring the rights of Mother Earth.
Artists, producers and other experts from a range of different fields will attend this one‐day incubator exploring WILD LAW. This diverse group of practitioners will collaborate in developing strategies aimed at its realisation. The day will be a creative forum to germinate new manifestations in the public arena and to provide agency for the eventual enactment of WILD LAW.
Catering will be provided by the wonderful POD CUISINE – protein through plants!
*Australian Wild Law Alliance – - is a founding member of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, which brings together more than 60 organisations around the world, who support Earth Jurisprudence and rights of nature. Check out the Global Alliance website for more: