Mysterious and dramatic, grotesque and beautiful, Tess de Quincey’s latest solo has the power to draw her audience into another world. Its intensity is absolutely gripping, its interpretative depth a rich mine of possibilities... Another Dust is a theatrical experience which should not be missed.
Sydney Morning Herald – Jill Sykes, Feb 1990
Dance, installation & lighting design Tess de Quincey
Music Jamie Fielding
An ‘inbetween’ space arises, where personality, humanity and individuality lie and pulsate in an indefinite state…it is total deliverance which is danced. An uncompromising surrender which Tess de Quincey in a fascinating way manages to maintain throughtout the entire solo. A beautiful example of a Butoh dance which does not become an empty purely aesthetic style, but is a highly personal observation of Butoh’s expression and form. After a dance experience like this we can only ask for ‘another’.
Information, Monna Dithmer, November 1989
Rigorously anti-humanistic in conception, de Quincey presented an alien body, the body as phenomena. The performer moving in space apppears as a dynamic web of inseparable energy patterns. The act of performance, the experience, becomes primary. This chameleon body, perceived and rendered as a site of desire, displacement and fluctuation… The spectator too is required to relinquish his or her everyday mode of interpreting experience, for the performance through its rejection of representation and logical sequences in favour of the sensorial body and of a perceptual space, arouses and brings into view that which we commonly do not see.
Art & Text, Sarah Miller, May 1990
Art and Text – May 1990
Information – 15 Nov 1989 (Danish/English)
Sydney Morning Herald – 2 Feb 1990
1989 – Oslo & Copenhagen
1990 – Sydney, Melbourne & Paris
1991 – Aarhus (Denmark), Wuppertal, Dusseldorf & Bochum (Germany)
1992 – Malaragues (Southern France)