BodyWeather is not just for dancers, but is for those who simply want to explore the body. Beginners and non-performers are welcome!

Further 2015 workshops and training to be announced in due course. Stay posted.

BodyWeather is a synthesis of Eastern and Western practice and thought that develops grounding, flexibility and sensitivity.

As a broadbased, comprehensive physical training, BodyWeather cultivates a conscious relation to the state of constant change inside and outside the body. The training generally draws from three main areas of the practice which vary between high-energy work and quiet, meditative explorations:-

MB (Muscles><Bones, Mind><Body): dynamic, rhythmic work-out for strength, flexibility & grounding.

Manipulations: a series of precise forms concerned with stretching and alignment.

Ground Work: a wide variety of exercises to develop sensorial focus, sensitivity and scope of expression.

FURTHER INFORMATION about all Sydney classes & workshops email