Alex Tui Australia’s first World Kickboxing Champion, Gym Manager, and Coach
Community Leaders Lyle Munroe, Mick Mundine
Site Director Victoria Hunt
Sound Artists SistaNative
Video Artist Chris Wilson
Moogahlin Performing Arts and the Redfern Community Centre present GATHERING GROUND 2010: Timelessness (Past, present and future)
“Along the streets of Redfern we walk the concrete paths. We walk them from time immemorial. From the physical environment that we now call the Block we track the stories of this timeless journey. The past informs the future, and the future informs the now’‘ Aunty Rhonda, Redfern Aboriginal elder
Bodyweather artist Victoria Hunt returns to Elouera Tony Mundines Boxing Gym to collaborate with redfern and boxing communities on a site-specific performance installation called KNOCKOUT. Set outside the gym will be a pro ring, surrounded by large-scale video projections of past and present indigenous boxing legends. Nearby a sloping house bursts into flames as two boxers enter the ring and spar to a remix of ‘Beat it’ MJ & community leader Lyle Munroe.
The Block, Redfern
May 27 – 29th 2010